Healing FreeQuencies, Inc.

Lisa Seyring is an Emotional Energy Healing Practitioner and Program Coach for the 25-week “Know Your True Self” conscious awakening course.
Having a lifelong curiosity about people, including herself, she hungered at learning about what makes people engage in emotional reactions to life experiences and what contributes to their lens of perception. She discovered that delving into individual thought constructs and emotional patterning shed light on the unease within a person. Wishing to help alleviate this unease within herself, and ultimately others, led her down a path of studying metaphysics and certifying in alternative healing approaches.
Her current approach is helping others to release emotional pain through the conversational style of Spontaneous Transformation Technique and by BEing in the grace of Love’s frequency through the receivership of Reconnective Healing. Lisa is passionate about helping people to listen for and feel the guidance of Love and to know the wisdom of the Heart.
Certifications: Reconnective Healing, The Personal Reconnection, Spontaneous Transformation Technique, Reference Point Therapy, Theta Healing, Sa Sekhem Sahu Egyptian Reiki, School of Metaphysics Respondere.